Comfort and Invigoration: We Need Both
By Jim Sollecito

In my work I get to see lots of properties and catch glimpses of how people live.
We talk. We share life experiences. We discuss positive expectations and what the future might hold.
This year’s different pace allows us to observe, contemplate and enjoy elements that we previously would rush right by. Similar to slipping out of our cars and onto a bicycle: the ride is so much more interactive and invokes our senses.
To plant a colorful landscape, work up the heart rate and admire the wonderful final product will be good for your heart and your soul. It improves your outlook as well as your view.
I have personally found that hard work gives clarity to my mind. Sweat washes away worries.
I once read that 40% of things we worry about never happen. Probably an arbitrary number but I believe there’s truth that we just waste a lot of effort in unnecessary anguish.
It is positively invigorating to select landscape plants in exciting new colors, take them home, put them into the ground with your own two hands, and then marvel at how well they perform.
This journey, repeated time and time again in our neighborhoods, yields remarkably positive results.
Pinned down to select three of my own rewarding favorites, I choose Panicle Hydrangeas, Double Play Spireas and any variety of Weigelas.
Keep in mind that right now is perhaps the easiest time of year to plant in the warm soil. Ample autumn rains do most of the watering. Moderate temperatures are just right for new roots to get established. These hardy flowering shrubs all offer abundant blossoms and hot fall colors that lasts and last.
This year I did more outdoor grilling than I had in the past five years combined. I found comfort in the ritual of cleaning, igniting and then charring with my Char Broil. As I waited for my specialties to cook, I sat still and took in the scenery. Usually I’d have been a prisoner to my cell phone during the mad dinner scramble. (It’s appropriate that they are called cells.)
Anyway, my backyard landscape at dusk is delightful. The angle of autumn’s setting sun casts a brilliant glow among the evolving flowers and changing leaves.
When we plant something in our own yard it gives a boost to our entire neighborhood. An ideal landscape design will enhance your home’s look and your personal outlook. It will enhance your own environment and the natural environment.
A new landscape design will be enjoyed from the perspective of the property owner as well as everyone who passes by. It will invigorate and comfort — spiritually and physically. Yin and yang. We need both. Fall is a great time to get going. Can you dig it?