

Carrier Corp. 92-year-old retiree still finds joys volunteering at the former Community General Hospital

By Norah Machia


At age 92, John Ronan has proven you’re never too old to volunteer.

Ronan retired in 1998 as a contract administrator for the Carrier Corp., Syracuse. Sadly, his wife died a few months later. That’s when Ronan decided it would be good for him to focus his time and energy on helping others. So he started volunteering at the former Community General Hospital, now the Upstate Community Hospital.

In his early days of volunteering, Ronan helped out in the emergency room, “changing stretchers and running errands to the labs,” he said. “But when everything became computerized, there wasn’t as much more for me to do in that area.”

He later switched to volunteering at the main entrance and soon became a familiar and friendly face to patients needing assistance finding their way around the hospital. “After they come in and register, I’m available to escort them to the surgery center or other areas of the hospital, if needed,” he said. “It’s a large building and sometimes people don’t know where to go.”

Although there is signage throughout the hospital, “oftentimes it just helps to have a friendly face to lead the way,” Ronan said. “People appreciate having someone to talk to when they come into the hospital,” he said. “That’s what I find most rewarding. Besides, sometimes it’s easier to just walk with people than tell them to go right, go left, go straight.”

Ronan volunteers two days a week at the hospital. On Mondays, he assists at the hospital’s epilepsy monitoring unit, escorting patients to the third floor after registration, where they often stay through the week.

On Wednesdays, Ronan can be found at the hospital’s main entrance, escorting patients and visitors to numerous areas throughout the large building. “It’s rewarding to be able to help people, especially when they are coming into a hospital,” he said. “I also really enjoy working with my fellow volunteers. They’re all great people.”

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